Contraception After A Baby / Breastfeeding

It can take a while for your periods to return after you’ve had a baby, but it’s a good idea to consider contraception after birth. However, you may be wondering what type of contraception is right for you and when you should start using it. If you’re breastfeeding, you may also have questions about which contraception methods are suitable. You can find these answers and more on this page.


Contraception after having a baby

Once you’ve had your baby, your midwife or health visitor will likely discuss contraception with you before you go home (if you had the baby in the hospital) or before they leave (if you had your baby at home).

You can also have this conversation while you’re still pregnant with your health visitor, midwife, pharmacist or doctor.


When can I start contraception after having a baby?

Generally, the following contraception methods should be suitable to start taking any time after the birth of your baby, unless you have any medical risks - but you should discuss this with your doctor and midwife before starting any contraception:

  • The progestogen-only pill
  • The contraceptive implant
  • The contraceptive injection
  • Male or female condoms
  • An IUD or IUS (This must be inserted within 48 hours after the birth. If it is not, you will usually be advised to wait until four weeks post-birth.)

You should always get advice from a healthcare professional before using contraception after having a baby.


Contraception and breastfeeding

When it comes to breastfeeding and using contraception, unless you have a medical risk, you can use any of the methods of birth control outlined above. However, you should speak to your doctor or midwife before you start using birth control. They will be able to answer any questions you may have and provide advice.